Call for Papers

Call for Papers

  • Abstract submission deadline: May 15, 2025
  • Full Paper submission deadline: August 15, 2025
  • Abstract: 200-500 words, keywords (2-6)
  • Full Paper Page limit: 6-10 pages (even pages)

Notification for Papers

All the Accepted  Abstracts has been notified to Authors  Full Papers will undergo peer-review and accepted papers will be published in a Special Volume of Smart Construction and Sustainable Cities Journal (SCSC) Springer Nature Group Guidelines:

Abstract & Full Paper submission email

  • Abstract with the file name: ICSEI2025_Abs_Full Name
  • Full Paper with the file name: ICSEI2025_FP_Full Name
  • Email:

Journal Publications

All the accepted papers will appear in the proceedings and modified versions of selected papers will be published in peer-reviewed journals.

You are invited to submit your research abstracts for the International Conference on Geo-Disaster and Construction
engineering 2024- University of Waterloo, June 07 to June 8,2024. Abstracts need to include a research question and data
(quantitative or qualitative).

Please submit the Abstract

Journal Publications

Call for Abstract submission- Deadline- February 10, 2024
Result of acceptance of Abstract- February 20,2024

Guidelines for Submitting a High-Quality Research Abstract

  • Your abstract’s title should provide a concise summary and convey the relevance and importance of the topic.
  • For authorship instructions, please refer to the section below.


  • The introduction section should consist of several sentences outlining the research question.
  • The first sentence should effectively frame the issue.
  • Offer a succinct review of what is currently known about the problem under consideration, what remains unknown, and how your research bridges this knowledge gap.
  • Conclude the introduction with a statement describing the study’s purpose and, if applicable, the hypothesis.


  • The methods section should include the following elements:
    1. Specify the subjects and their number.
    2. Describe the research setting.
    3. Explain the research design.
    4. Provide a detailed description of the intervention, if applicable.
    5. Enumerate the outcome variables and describe the methods used for their measurement.
    6. Clarify the statistical methods employed to analyze the data.


  • In the results section:
  • Describe which subjects were included or excluded from the study and mention the response rate.
  • List the most critical outcome variables, along with the associated data.
  • When presenting numerical results, ensure they include standard deviations or 95% confidence limits and indicate the level of statistical significance.


  • State concisely what can be concluded. This must be supported by data presented in the abstract.
  • Describe the implications of your findings.
  • Include major limitations and future directions.

Technical Instructions for Online Submission of Abstracts: The following pieces of information are required during the submission process.

  • Title
  • Abstract text: Note that the limit is 300 words (including headings).
  • Do not use character formatting such as italic, bold, or ALL CAPS in the title and text.
  • Keywords: A maximum of three keywords can be entered.
  • Contributors: For each contributor, you will need to provide their Email Address, Institution, First Name, Last Name, City, Province or State, and Country.
  • The order of authorship will remain through all publications.
  • Contributors can be rearranged during the submission process by simply dragging and dropping the contributors into the correct order. It is important to include the presenter in the list of contributors so that their name appears in the order of authorship.
  • Presenter: During the submission process, please indicate the presenter. Note, only one person may be identified as the presenter. If the abstract is accepted, the presenter’s name will be underlined in the abstract book, and all communication beyond notification of acceptance/non-acceptance will be with the identified presenter. Please note that the presenter’s name must also be included as a contributor so that their name appears in the order of authorship.

Criteria for Abstract Evaluation:

  • Background
  • Shows understanding of existing literature.
  • Links existing literature to the research.

Clarity of the Purpose:

  • The basic purpose of the research is clear.
  • The objectives of the research address an important problem.
  • Effective use of the scientific method:
    • Methods are appropriate.
    • Significant variables are identified.
    • Methods are clearly explained.
    • Analysis is appropriate and clearly explained.


  • Results describe the relevant data.


  • Accurate interpretation of results.
  • Possible recommendations for education, practice, or policy.


  • The writing is clear.

Abstract Review and Selection:

  • All abstract submissions will be acknowledged upon receipt.
  • Submissions will be blinded and peer-reviewed.
  • In February 2024, the official notification of acceptance will be sent to the submitter of the abstract.
  • In early-March, specific details will be provided to the presenter about the session date, time, and presentation format.
  • Papers will be scheduled for presentation on either June 07 or June 08, 2024.
  • Accepted abstracts will be posted on the website.
  • The research paper abstracts will also be included in a special supplement in the Journal.

Journal Publications

All the accepted papers will appear in the proceedings and modified versions of selected papers will be published in peer-reviewed journals.

You are invited to submit your research abstracts for the International Conference on Geo-Disaster and Construction
engineering 2024- University of Waterloo, June 07 to June 8,2024. Abstracts need to include a research question and data
(quantitative or qualitative).

Please submit the form for submission below!